Limited Edition: Caran D'Ache Snake - 2013

Limited Edition: Caran D'Ache Snake - 2013
In Chinese mythology, the civilising gods that created the human race are traditionally given the bodies of snakes. They coil around each other to create order on Earth and transmit knowledge. The ”Year of the Snake ” Limited Edition brings together all the skills and know-how of Caran d’Ache to honour the myth with an exceptional and subtle creation. The delicate snake winds sinuously around the writing instrument, its curves gleaming with the incomparable finish of Chinese lacquer. The fascinating power of gold overcomes the darkness of the black lacquer and holds it in its spell. The delicately engraved sign of the snake further enriches the pen with subtle sparkles of light.
The “Year of the Snake” Limited Edition is intended for all those who love, and perhaps collect, luxury objects. It comprises 888 fountain pens and 888 roller pens since 8 is considered a lucky number in China, believed to ensure prosperity and balance in life.With its link to the astrological sign of the Snake, it is viewed as a good omen for the year 2013 and for the fortunate owners.
With its gleaming coat of Chinese lacquer, the Limited Edition pays a genuine tribute to this living material. Used since the Shan Dynasty in the 14th Century BC, lacquer is a technique that calls for a high degree of patience that is typically Oriental. It is applied by hand in a succession of fine layers and certain master craftsmen of Caran d'Ache are qualified in this formidably delicate process, preserving the art by combining ancient Chinese tradition with advanced modern technology. The Chinese lacquering on the “Year of the Snake” Limited Edition is a prestigious example of master craftsmanship. The master craftsman then gently applies black Chinese lacquer. After a very long drying time, meticulous polishing gives the pen its full depth and splendour that will last indefinitely – testimony to Caran d’Ache’s commitment to authenticity and excellence in all its creations. With exquisite precision, the Snake is engraved by hand by cutting into the depths of the material to create a striking contrast.The brilliant black reveals the creature which is then gold plated. The Snake appears majestic against the darkness of black lacquer, just like its constellation in the night sky.
Each instrument carries its own number on the tip of the cap and is presented in its own lacquered wooden box that is decorated with the Chinese character. The Limited Edition is marked with a Chinese seal indicating "Chinese Lacquer" and accompanied by a certificate of authenticity for this exquisitely refined material.